Friday, April 2, 2010

Fun Friday Facts...Did you Know???

Yesterday being April Fool's Day - I have a little interesting cultural tidbit about how the French celebrate April 1st. It's called "Poisson d'Avril".

In France on April 1st, the victim of a hoax is called "Poisson d'Avril", an April Fish - which refers to a young fish which is easily caught. The French delight in shouting "POISSON D'AVRIL" at the denouncement of foolery. French children sometimes tape a picture of a fish on the back of their schoolmates, crying "poisson d'avril" when the prank is discovered. Ooooh-la-la, would Pepé le Peux approve....

Above is an A.T.C. { artist trading card } I created for an April Fool's swap with my local swap group. I must admit, it was the most challenging theme for the group, and turned out to be one of the best swaps we've had since we started in 2006. It was quite interesting researching different cultures and how this "all pranks day" is celebrated around the world. I couldn't imagine where would we be without google & wikipedia.

Let's see what I can dig up for next Friday : ) Sb

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