EtsyTwitter Team Featured Shop!

Karen Witkop is the proprietor of this week's EtsyTwitter Team Shop of the week, misseskwittys. Her shop offers a variety of handmade cottage style items in fabric and paper, which she is delighted to ship domestically or internationally. Her attitude about her work shows clearly. "I just love to make things with my hands---pretty, colorful things. I love to get an idea in my head, go down to my studio and pick out some pretty fabrics or papers, and then allow that thought to become something you can actually hold in your hand! It's very gratifying....and FUN!"
When I asked Karen what she wants her customers to know most about her products, she responded, "there is a lot of love involved in my crafting-- from picking the colors of fabrics or papers, hand-stitched or embroidered details, pretty papers, cool old buttons and laces and ribbons (which are often really hard to part with!) for the 'perfect little detail'--and I design my own patterns". Her inspiration is vintage/retro things like embroideries, laces, ribbons, buttons, and rickrack. She says, "I am especially inspired by the linens and fabrics of the 30's and 40's. Don't you think it's wonderful how the housewives of that era, which was a pretty dark era in terms of the war and the economy of the time, did all they could to make their homes beautiful and colorful places--and they did it with their handwork". It is no surprise she also carries some of these vintage items!
Karen has an interactive approach to Twitter. She says, "it's all about being part of the community--I like to tweet my new listings and promotions for the Etsy team, but I also make sure to click on other people's links, too, and leave a comment if I like what I see."

Karen is offering a special deal to celebrate her Etsy Twitter Team Shop of the Week status: With every order this week, she will include a free Gift Tag Sample Pack with each order!
Karen maintains her Internet presence in several ways:
Mrs. Kwitty's Cottage Etsy Shop: